Tuesday, 6 July 2010

We're off the starting block!!

I attended the St Johns School Fayre on Saturday and made £20.00! It's been added to my just giving page (www.justgiving.com/Katrina-Fox) and means we are 2% into our journey to a £1000. I forgot to take some pictures of the event but it was a lovely sunny day and there were lots of nice people out and about admiring my creations. It was a lovely atmosphere and it has been such a long time since I went to school fayre, I had forgotten how much fun they are! A big thank you to Patric and Natalie for helping me out managing the stall.

£1000 seems like such a long way off but I've got some really exciting things planned for this summer, including a Folksy launch and a Afternoon Tea Party. The Folksy launch was originally planned for 17th July but due to a surprise holiday to Kolymbia, (leaving tomorrow) I have pushed it back to the first weekend in August. Remember all purchases over the launch weekend will receive a free soap.
Bye for now, Katrina x

1 comment:

  1. Great news Katrina, I'm sure it will be lovely to go on your surprise hol knowing you've already made a start to chipping away at the target. Enjoy the break & look forward to more news later. x Shaz
